one card at a time...
It all starts with the simple deck of playing cards... which is not as simple as it looks.
Have you ever wondered why there are 4 suits in the deck of playing cards, why there are 13 cards in each suit, 52 cards, 12 face cards, and so on?
Here are some clues:
There are 52 weeks in a year, 4 seasons, 13 weeks in a season, 12 months, and 365 1/4 days in a year. Taking all the spot values of the cards and adding them up, we have:
(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13) x 4 = 91 x 4 = 364
And if we take the Joker to be 1 1/4 and add that in, we would have 365 1/4 days. Pretty cool, isn't it?
And it doesn't stop there...
Take the number 52, which is the number of cards in the deck, and add its digits together, we get 5+2=7, a spiritual number. Multiply 52 by 7, and we get
52 x 7 = 364 again.
All ancient civilizations, such as China, India, Persia, and Egypt, had versions of these playing cards. Their origins date back to at least 1000 B.C. The Tarot cards were a relatively modern European offshoot of these cards. The playing cards as we know them today appeared suddenly in Europe in the 14th century, and has kept the 4-suit form since. It has been used for divination since its appearance in Europe. This was of course frowned upon by the church, and its association with gambling and drinking made it even more disreputable. Nevertheless, there has been fascination with its symbolism throughout the ages. Carl Jung attributed the symbols in the Tarot to archetypes in the human psyche. No matter what our beliefs, we sense that there is something deeper to the playing cards.
When I came across the Destiny Card system, it became clear to me that the common deck of playing cards is in fact a concise "book" with loose pages that gives the "code" for various stages of the earthly journey depending on how the pages are arranged. The "pages" move around and exchange places, intimating the workings of karma and karmic connections. In it are contained all the planets, the archetypal numbers, the four temperaments, the four seasons, the male and female, light and dark, etc. It is the book of "The Seven Thunders" that the Angel sealed up in the Book of Revelation. Its significance has grown for me over the years, and I see the cards now as symbol for the Matrix that each of us is born into, with our individual karma and unconscious tendencies and patterns from past lives. The Destiny Cards awakens us to this karmic Matrix that codes our strengths and weaknesses, the patterns in our life journey, our attraction or aversion to certain people, and the energies that govern our thoughts, feelings, and actions in each moment of our lives. Every moment, certain energies are at play to shape our destiny and help us grow. Learning about the cards helps us become aware of these energies as we start to watch their manifestation in our lives and in our inner world. We start to understand why we are who we are, why we move, change jobs, start a new undertaking, get married or divorced, why certain people are in our lives, and we start to work with the energies at play so that we are in harmony with them. As such, we become more at peace with ourselves, have more understanding toward our fellow human beings, and start to see how each of us is a small piece in the larger workings of the world.
To learn more about your cards, you can go here and put in your birth date and read the interpretations for a start. Besides our birth card, there is at least one other card that is just as important, and that is the planetary ruling card. You can look up both of your cards here and then read the description for both on the linked website above.
More to come...
If you are curious to about the workings of the Matrix in your life, discover the cards associated with your birth date and those of your loved ones, understand your relationships, look back in life and understand past events, or see what the next few years have in store for you and plan ahead, book a session with me or order a report and see where this may take you!
Best wishes on the exciting journey to discovering the Matrix of your life!